Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I've often thought about blogging about my life, children, family. I've often wondered who would take the time to read my blog. Sometimes I think about my "audience" and am afraid to speak the truth because my audience might not get what I'm saying, appreciate my madness, or understand my feelings. I don't know how it happened but some how along the way of living my life I learned to stifle my truth. I wonder if this post will be the beginning of many greater posts to come..

Oh Darling

My kids love this song and it's getting played over and over in my house...Kind of catchy if you ask me...

Thankful For:

* Found meds
* Wacky dreams
* Family time
* Hubby has a job!!
* Feeling like blogging again

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful For:

* Good Sleep
*Miles is FINALLY feeling better after six days of the flu!
* Having a bit of a golden tan
* Wonderful loving friends and an amazing family
* Safe travel to Washington
* Baby G! I can't wait to meet you baby STONE! (My sister's baby)
* The gym- I love you GYM! I can't wait to see you GYM!

Muir Beach

Friday, May 13, 2011


Sunday, May 8, 2011