Monday, February 7, 2011

Just getting it out

I have not felt like blogging for quite some time now but today I feel like sharing. I suppose between having kids in my home from 6:00-5:00pm Mon-Fri and going to school until 10:30 a couple nights a week, my blogging energy has been zilch. For now I'll just post a few things I'm thankful for:

* My night sweats have almost completely subsided
* My heart has stopped aching so much
* Healthy kids- all three of my kids have had the flu- the puking flu with fevers, but are all better now
* My friend Kari- she told me today that's sometimes there isn't a final line- a final thing to say, it's just over
* Briskett from Sam's Club- wow! It's a truly tasty meal!
* Feeling good and in control with my three classes
* My Chem teacher calling me "Chemily" in front of the class last week- I wonder if my classmates really think that's my name...Until MAY that IS my name...Gosh darnit! I AM A CHEMIST!!!
* I have three (tough) classes left before I can apply to nursing school---GOD WILLING I get in. There were 1170 applicants last fall and only thirty people got in...I WILL be one of those thirty people when it's MY time!
* My brother and his wife and fam will be here in April from Switzerland! What a wonderful thing for me to look forward to!
* My MILES! He loves me soooo much! He loves me, this boy! This boy has saved my life, given me hope, fills my heart with so much love and pure sweetness! My heart could burst with how much love I have for him!
* Ella and Evan- the world's sweetest, most pure, happy, loving, funny children a mom could ever ask for. I must have done something right in my life to have three amazing children!
* My husband- he's lightened my load around our home by doing so many things without me even asking! I came home late from school one night last week and he had cleaned and vacuumed the whole house, cleaned out the microwave, and put the laundry away. WOW! I was so happy! I'm still smiling thinking of him doing this for me!!!!!

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