Saturday, January 2, 2010

So Long, Farewell, I Hate to See You BROKEN

Joe and I bought this beautiful sleigh bed before we had kids. We had saved all our pennies to buy the set. When we moved into our current home, we used that bed as a guest bed since we had a new bed in our room. (How many times can I add the word "bed" in this blog?)

This bed means a lot to us. Miles now sleeps in it and he LOVES it just as much as we did. I've warned the kids at least 500 times to NOT jump on that bed or ANY OTHER BED FOR THAT REASON. You know where this is going, don't you?

CRACK-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KER-Plunk! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, one big ol' jump from the kids--- just as soon as I had walked out of the room from watching them---and it happened.

Now I'm stuck with a broken bed. I don't think it can be repaired and now the bed sags. (The picture doesn't show that all too well.)What am I supposed to do now?

Well, the only thing I could think of besides sending them to their OWN beds at 7:00pm, was to take away their blankets, not give them any bedtime snuggles, and have them write lines... They hated writing these sentences for me....especially Evan. He said, "NOW can we STOP talking about the BED?" I don't think so. I'm going to talk about this one for a long time....

1 comment:

Thad said...

Oh, so THAT'S what you get for jumpin' on the bed!